Information gathered from the RPL Website
By Jennifer Ersalesi
Since March the Rutherford Public Library has been closed to the public, however, the staff at RPL have been finding ways to reach the community virtually. There are many programs organized for July. Although they cannot wait to open their doors again, the Rutherford Public Library staff hopes that the community can take part in many of these virtual opportunities.

There are many children’s activities coming up in July and Miss Jane, the Children’s Librarian, has created a website that lists the programs, whether they require registration and directions on how to register if necessary. Please click here to access this website. Registration for children’s programs such as Zumba, Toddler Yoga, Music with Miss Fran, Science Shows, Storytime, and Animal Workshops will begin on Monday, July 6th.
Adults are welcome to participate in a number of different programs and classes. The Hand-Lettering class is back by popular demand. Swetha Shenoy of The Paisley Corner will teach this class via Zoom on Wednesday, July 15th at 4 pm. Ms. Shenoy will also teach a Brush Lettering for Beginners class on Wednesday, July 22nd at 4 pm. On Wednesday, July 29th at 4 pm, Ms. Shenoy will offer her “Modern Watercolor Florals for Beginners” workshop. Beginning July 1st, community members can sign up for these classes which will be held via Zoom. Click here to learn more about these programs and to register on July 1st.

For the month of July, the Online Book Discussion Group will continue. The book for July has not yet been announced. Those that are interested in joining the book discussion group will need a Gmail address (you can sign up for a Gmail address for free at Monday Evening Book Discussion Group will continue on Zoom. To join and learn more about upcoming meetings, send an email to
Special Announcement from the Rutherford Public Library:

On Monday, June 29th, the Rutherford Public Library is launching its Grab & Go service. Although the Library building itself is still closed to the public, residents will be able to pick up books and media just outside of the Library. Scheduled hours are Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 1-5 pm, Monday & Wednesday from 3-7 pm.
We’re making these forms available now in case you want to plan ahead for next week. Please note, for the first week starting June 29, we will not be offering pickup services on Friday, July 3.
Here’s how it works:
Tell us what you want. You can complete one of these forms: Adult Collection or Children’s Collection; call us at the Library at 201-939-8600 during Grab & Go hours; or, make requests for specific items through the catalog. If you use the catalog, please complete this form or we’ll reach out to you.
Pick up at the front door. When you arrive at the Library, your items will already be checked out to you and in a bag with your name on it.
Return items to the book drop. The Library book drop is open every day, all day. This is the only way we take returns since it helps the staff quarantine recently used items before lending them again.
You may know that it’s usually possible to borrow materials from other libraries in the BCCLS system. Unfortunately, many libraries are not quite up-and-running yet. So for now, Grab & Go is limited to the items in the Rutherford collection. We will be sure to announce when the delivery and sharing of materials among BCCLS libraries has restarted. If you place orders for books from other libraries, you will be “in line” for that item when delivery restarts, but please note this will count as one of your “holds.”