By Jennifer Ersalesi

A couple of months agoThis is Rutherford interviewed the three Senior Student Council officers about a Senior year that they never anticipated. President Brian Inguanti, Vice President Emilia McCarthy, and Treasurer Mia Capobianco participated in the interview. TIR also spoke to administrators, teachers, and coaches who have influenced these students. This week's article focuses on future plans for these three seniors, as well as their other senior classmates.
TIR: What are your plans after high school?
Brian Inguanti: I will be attending Fordham University majoring in Political Science and Pre-Law. I will also be doing Army ROTC. I hope to attend law school after Fordham and become a JAG officer (military lawyer) in the army.
Mia Capobianco: I was recently committed to Caldwell University for track and field. I will be majoring in Elementary and Special education. I love working with children and I want to be able to inspire and become a mentor. Teachers are people that help change the lives of the youth.
Emilia McCarthy: After high school, I plan to attend Manhattan College, where I will be majoring in Political Science in pursuit of becoming a lawyer one day. Specifically, I would love to go into the corporate law field when I am older, for it has always been my passion to go into the legal/ business field.
Click here to watch the RHS Signing Day video.

On Wednesday, July 8th, Rutherford High School's Class of 2020 will have a Graduation ceremony on Tryon Field at 6:30 pm. Each graduating senior will be given two guest tickets and social distancing guidelines will be enforced.

“To the Class of 2020 I may not have taught all of you but I had the unique and rewarding opportunity to have taught some of you three years in a row. In addition to wishing the very best in the years to come, always remember once a Bulldog always a Bulldog! Always follow your dreams and never let anyone tell you, you can't do it. Good Luck!” Math Teacher, Ms. Deborah Delia told the Class of 2020.
"Your Senior year may look different than what you imagined, but life is a math equation; To gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives. It is okay to be sad at times, but I challenge you to look for the joy hidden behind these uncertain times. Find comfort in the memories you've made, the friends you have, and all that is still to come. Congrats Class of 2020!" explained Ms. Stephanie Curtis, Math Teacher.
"The Coronavirus and the celebrations that you have missed these past few months WILL NOT define your life. Tough people survive tough times and all of you certainly have. Find your calling in life. Find something that you have a passion for and do it! Enjoy what life has to offer, the highs and the lows, because overcoming these lows allows for growth and a sense of accomplishment. Best of Luck to all of you! Love, love, love you!" Ms. Helen Antzoulides reminded the Class of 2020.
Click here to watch the Virtual Community Baccalaureate: Hope in Hard Times.
Click here to watch the Senior Tribute Video.
Click here to watch the video Message from the NY Giants.