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Repair Cafe 2022

Submitted by Brian Hanson-Harding

Do you have well-loved things around your house that just don’t work but don’t have the heart to throw them away? Before you toss that wonky toaster or lob that flickering lamp bring it to Rutherford’s next Repair Cafe!

The Rutherford Green Team will hold its fourth Repair Cafe on Saturday, October 1, from 12-4 pm (rain date next day) in Lincoln Park in Rutherford. Part social gathering, part repair shop, the Repair Café is an international phenomenon begun in Holland where community members volunteer to help fix things that people would otherwise throw out. It will be an afternoon drop-in event where community members can bring in broken or non-functioning items to be fixed for free with the help of expert volunteers. The purpose is not only to reduce waste but also to teach people how to fix things themselves.

Area residents are invited to bring broken or non-functioning items to Lincoln Park, across from borough hall in Rutherford, where, on a first-come, first-served basis, they will be assisted and advised in making repairs. Participants must first register at the reception table across from Borough hall. Participants are limited to two items at a time. Expert volunteers will have the necessary tools and may have some spare parts available for a nominal fee, but participants are encouraged to obtain the necessary parts beforehand.

Rutherford’s repair café will have the following stations: bicycles, clothing, sewing machine repair, small appliances, computers, lamps, furniture, small engines (lawnmowers), knife sharpening, and jewelry. There will be coffee, tea, and homemade baked goods, as well as a craft table (where adults and children will make art out of trash and recyclables).

To volunteer or for more information, contact Brian Hanson-Harding at

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