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Police Blotter 9/2-9/8: RPD Pushes Drunks Passed Out In Their Car, ON the Train Tracks, To Safety

Writer's picture: This Is RutherfordThis Is Rutherford

Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: July Activity Report

This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.


Sunday, September 8 - Criminal Mischief, Milton Court

At approximately 1:05 am a Felician student that resides on campus reported a theft took place at her dorm. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Resident Life Representatives. The victim reported she left her room at 9:30 pm Saturday and returned at 11 pm to her room ransacked. Missing was a bottle of Victoria’s Secret perfume and lotion valued at $20 each. The victim stated that closets were opened and clothes moved and water and Gatorade bottles that were once inside a garbage can were now on the floor. It is suspected the suite-mate may have entered the room as she and 3 of her friends exited the room (visible on the security camera). They were the only people observed leaving the room during the time. When questioned they admitted they were there but denied taking or moving any items. All 4 students that admitted to being inside the room will have to meet with Felician faculty members and may face discipline.

Saturday, September 7 - Theft, Orient Way

A 60 year old male believes an unknown party stole a package from the lobby of his apartment complex. He observed an unknown party taking a package from the mail room via surveillance footage. Based on surveillance footage, the party is described as 6 ft tall, possibly white with a beard, wearing khaki pants, burgundy shirt, gray shoes and burgundy baseball hat. At approximately 11:48 am the male party attempted to walk into the main lobby after another resident stopped the party and asked him who he was visiting. The man only provided a first name and the resident refused to give him entry. At 11:50 pm, the same party gained entry after a female exited the building and did not shut door. The building superintendent then found him in the mail room and escorted him out. He again made entry to the mail room and this time was able to take the package.

Saturday, September 7 - Aid and Assist, East Passaic Ave

A 44 year old female from Summit, NJ requested assistance in locating a 2015 Toyota Highlander registered to her husband. Her husband had recently been hospitalized. Officers checked the area where the vehicle was believed to be and found it. The woman stated she’d be able to pick up the vehicle next week. She was granted parking because of the circumstance.

Saturday, September 7 - Noise Complaint, Tamblyn Field

At approximately 11:54 am, a 62 year old male from Rutherford notified RPD of loud and obscene music playing prior to the St Mary’s High School football game. The school’s Athletic Director was contacted and he stated he would lower the volume. The music was lowered prior to RPD’s arrival.

Friday, September 6 - Aid and Assist, Edgewood Place

An 84 year old woman reported she was having trouble with her water supply and thought it may have been shut off. Officer Steinel reported it was working fine. No further assistance was required.

Friday, September 6 - Suspicious Vehicle, Feronia Way

At approximately 6:53 pm a caller reported a 2018 Jeep parked in the roadway with a woman sitting inside for several hours. RPD responded and established that the woman lives in the area and pulled over to text but ended up staying longer than expected.

Friday, September 6 - Dispute, Route 17 South

A caller to 911 reported an upset customer at the Burger King drive through. RPD responded and found a 44 year old woman from Newark who was upset because of the length of the drive-thru line. She left and stated she would purchase food elsewhere.

Thursday, September 5 - Fraud, Union Ave

A 49 year old female victim reported an unknown party opened a Verizon account at a third party store and purchased 2 cell phones in her name. She received a bill from Verizon Wireless for $348.94 for 2 lines opened in August. She went to a Verizon Wireless store and an employee advised her that on August 18th an account was opened in New York under her name for 2 lines. The employee provided her with 2 phone numbers, both of which she was unfamiliar. She advised the employee she did not open them. The store employee advised her that he could not speak for a third party store, but at Verizon stores proper ID is required to open an account. The employee stated in order for charges to be voided and the account closed, she’d need an official police report. When asked if she noticed any other unusual charges recently she stated she’d received Gap/Banana Republic credit card opened in her name at Garden State Plaza. She was provided with an ID theft package and reminded to check her credit.

Thursday, September 5 - Harassment, Morse Ave

A Rutherford DPW employee reported harassment by a resident over pick up of brush.

Wednesday, September 4 - Theft, Union Ave

At approximately 6:39 pm a caller reported that while she was at work, 2 packages were stolen from inside her apartment complex between 7:00 am when she left and 6:00 pm when she returned. When she came home she noticed the packages from Amazon ripped open and all items stolen. It did not appear anybody else’s packages were tampered with. Inside were various perfumes, valued at about $80. She contacted Amazon for replacement.

Wednesday, September 4 - Theft, Ivy Place

At approximately 6:05 pm a caller reported a bicycle stolen. She said her daughter had been playing with friends and riding bicycles in the area. They left their bikes on the lawn in the fenced in area of her property around 4:00 pm. A blue and green 20 inch Mongoose bicycle with front and rear green pegs was observed to be missing from the lawn at around 5:30 pm. On her property were 2 other bikes and 3 scooters and none were taken. However, the person who took the Mongoose bike allegedly left behind a blue, white and black 20” Kent Ambush bicycle.

Wednesday, September 4 - Fire, Feronia Way

At approximately 3:05 pm a 63 year old male reported that he had been grinding metal brackets in the doorway of his rear porch earlier. When he was done, he went inside his house and sat at his computer for about 1 hour. He noticed the rear sliding door appeared as if it were fogging up. He realized that a fire had started where he had been grinding metal. He emptied a fire extinguisher onto the fire then put the rest of the fire out with a garden hose. Rutherford Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to use thermal imaging to see if any other part of the house showed signs of fire. The Fire Department was satisfied and released the property back to the homeowner.

Wednesday, September 4 - DWI, West Erie Avenue

At approximately 3:16 am, a caller reported a red Acura parked on the train tracks between Rutherford and East Rutherford. Officers witnessed two male parties sleeping in the front seats of the vehicle. Unable to wake the occupants, Officers Caughey, Merli, Steinel and Ritter pushed the vehicle off the tracks for safety. Once the vehicle was off the tracks, they were able to wake the driver. Attempts to wake the passenger were negative and an ambulance was called. Officers smelled a strong presence of alcohol on the breath of the driver. Field sobriety tests were completed and the driver, a 30 year old male from Belleville, was placed under arrest and transported to headquarters where he registered a .164% BAC. He was released to a responsible party under John’s Law. He was given summonses for having an open container of alcohol, DWI, delaying traffic, and for not wearing his seat belt.

Tuesday, September 3 - Burglary, Chestnut St

A 79 year old woman reported that 4 or 5 oil paintings with an approximate value of $1000 had been stolen out of the basement of her residence. She realized once she went through the door and exterior stairs that an interior wooden door had been damaged. She was unable to turn the key and realized it had been pushed open. The wooden frame of the door was broken and the deadbolt was bent. She stated she last saw the paintings on Wednesday, August 28th or Thursday, August 29th when she had two of her family friends over. The friends had come so they could see the paintings and other items that she would be selling as she was moving. These 4 or 5 missing items were included in what she had shown them. She advised them that the specific paintings were the most valuable paintings that she owned. When asked for the party’s contact info she refused to cooperate and refused to provide the information. She was advised if she changes her mind to please call RPD back.

Monday, September 2 - Suspicious Vehicle, Mortimer Ave

At approximately 7:06 pm a caller reported a vehicle she found to be suspiciously parked with a lot of damage. She believed the vehicle might have been in a motor vehicle crash. RPD made contact with owner who stated the vehicle was struck in the past and there is a current accident report but no tow truck had been called because of the holiday. She would do so in the morning. The caller was satisfied.

Monday, September 2 - Aid and Assist, Home Ave

While on traffic post, a woman advised Officer Reed that she could not recall where she parked her vehicle due to the heavy rainstorm. Her friend was sitting inside her vehicle awaiting her return. Officer Scott Ahearn checked the area and located the vehicle and friend who were safely parked in the St. Mary’s parking lot. Officer Reed transported the woman from Park and Ames to the St. Mary’s parking lot.

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