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Police Blotter-7/15-7/21: Tryon Field Is No Place For A Camp Fire; Officer Fecanin Frees A Finger

Monthly RPD Reports can be found here. New: June Activity Report

This is Rutherford publishes incidents that the public may find interesting or informative. The Blotter represents a small fraction of the total calls the RDP responds to regularly. The following information was provided to TIR by the Rutherford Police. All suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Incidents involving juveniles will not be published.


Sunday, July 21 - Noise Complaint, Jackson Ave

At approximately 1:54 am a caller reported a noise complaint about a large pool party. Officers were dispatched and reported that after speaking with homeowner, the homeowner said they would wrap it up for the evening.

Sunday, July 21 - Noise Complaint, Chestnut St

An 83 year old female reported a loud party at her neighbor’s house. Officers were dispatched at 12:50 am and reported the noise was coming from a party at the rear of the house. The officers spoke to the residents and advised them to shut it down immediately. The residents complied.

Saturday, July 20 - Theft of Services, Union Ave

A 39 year old male from Lyndhurst and the owner of the Rutherford business Ferazzoli’s, reported an unknown individual called his restaurant and placed a large food order to be delivered to Clifton. The unknown party ordered a “family dinner for 6” which came to $84.52 after a $10 discount. The unknown party did not leave a name and stated they’d pay by cash upon delivery. The driver responded to a residence to deliver the food and was met by a homeowner who advised the driver that he did not order any food and the same thing had happened to him several times that same day. While the Ferazzoli’s delivery driver was there, a Chinese food delivery driver also arrived with an order to which the homeowner advised the same thing. The owner of Ferazzoli's was advised to consider requesting parties pay over the phone for large food orders in the future.

Saturday, July 20 - Theft of Services, Rt 17 North

At approximately 6:53 pm, a black BMW sedan with tinted windows pulled into gas pump # 2 at the LukOil gas station on Rt. 17 and requested $57.01 of premium gas. The vehicle was occupied by 2 black males and the driver stated he wanted the tank filled with premium and he’d pay cash. As soon as the tank was filled and cap locked, the driver left the scene without paying. Gas station employees were able to obtain the NJ license plate number, which was registered to a 35 year male from Newark. Contact was made and he said the Newark Police Department had just been to his residence because a vehicle registered to him had just been involved in multiple armed robberies in their jurisdiction. However, the vehicle involved in the robberies was a black BMW and his vehicle is a 2011 Nissan Maxima. The man advised Newark PD that the front license plate of his Nissan had been stolen while at work. He had also received a phone call from NJ State Police about his vehicle being involved in a hit and run. He advised them also that his actual vehicle was not involved as it was a stolen plate. The man was advised to contact the DMV and report the plate as stolen so that law enforcement agencies would know to be on the lookout for it. As of 9:30 pm on July 19th the license plate had yet to be entered as stolen in with the DMV.

Friday, July 19 - Suspicious Person, Eastern Way

A 34 year old female from Rutherford reported a suspicious male followed her in the past. She states she believed she was followed to her residence from the Port Authority Bus Terminal on July 11th. Upon entering the 190 bus at the Port Authority an unknown male party entered the bus and sat beside her and fell asleep. She stated upon reaching her stop at Orient Way and Summit Cross, the unknown male also exited the bus. She said she realized the male party was walking behind her once he called out to her to get her attention. She stated the unknown male party then asked her for directions to East Rutherford. Some small talk ensued which led to her giving the male party her phone number. She then started to walk toward her residence and observed the male party following her again and once at her door he brushed up against her and resumed their conversation, which ended when he informed her his friend was on his way to pick him up. She stated that she has not received a phone call or seen him since. He is described as a black male 5 foot 7” to 5 foot 9” of Jamaican heritage (which he told her during their conversation) wearing a gray formal shirt and black slacks.

Friday, July 19 - Gas Leak, Ames Ave

The Rutherford Fire Department reported the smell of natural gas and requested PSE&G to respond. Officers reported the fire department did not have any natural gas readings at the time, but PSE&G remained to investigate.

Friday, July 19 - Aid & Assist, Delafield Ave

At approximately 1:15 pm, a 24 year old male reported he needed assistance removing a ring from his finger. Officer James Fecanin responded and used the ring cutter that RPD keeps in their medical bags without incident.

Thursday, July 18 - Noise Complaint, Ridge Road

A caller reported kids being noisy at 9:40 pm in a nearby backyard. Officers responded and spoke to the homeowner who stated it was a kid’s birthday party and they were wrapping up. There was no music at this time and the kids were getting out of the pool. No violation was observed by RPD.

Wednesday, July 17 - Fire, Tryon Field

At approximately 10:40 pm, a 911 caller reported a possible fire behind the Tryon Field snack stand. RPD and RFD were dispatched and officers reported that parties had gathered tree limbs from the area and started a “campfire” under the protective awning in the playground area. 4 people were issued summonses: a 26 year old female from Paterson, 20 year old male from Rutherford, 29 year old female from Paterson and a 17 year old female from Garfield.

Wednesday, July 17 - Fire, Carneer Ave

RPD responded to a fire on Carneer Ave and upon arrival reported a minor smoke condition in area of a dryer. Rutherford Fire Department determined the dryer vent was blocked, causing the condition.

Wednesday, July 17 - Alarm, Stuyvesant Ave

At approximately 5:00 pm a 70 year old female reported her neighbor’s burglar alarm sounding. RPD reported that the home’s exterior was secure but noted the alarm still going. The homeowner was notified and stated he would be home shortly. RPD notes that they never received a notification from an alarm company and only responded because of an observant neighbor.

Wednesday, July 17 - Unwanted Party, Union Ave

A 42 year old female caller reports the former owner of the business where she works has been frequently returning and harassing employees due to his dissatisfaction regarding the sale of the business. She describes him as a “loose cannon, hot headed and may be violent.” Attempts to contact him at his residence have been unsuccessful and voicemails have gone un-returned. Contact cards had been left by the RPD at his residence and each day when officers returned, they noted the cards had been removed. The individual has been placed on the trespassers log maintained by RPD.

Wednesday, July 17 - Motor Vehicle Theft, Francisco Ave

At approximately 6:36 am, a 44 year old male from Rutherford reported his 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser stolen from his driveway. The vehicle was last seen at 10:00 pm on Tuesday, July 16th and it was first confirmed missing at approximately 6:00 am on July 17th by his wife when she left the residence. He believes he left the vehicle unlocked but did not leave the key inside. Inside his vehicle was his NJ drivers license, a window mounted EZ pass, 1 gray colored Google Chrome tablet, miscellaneous beach items and a duffle bag all valued at around $1,380. His vehicle was entered into the NCIC database for stolen cars.

Tuesday, July 16 - Suspicious Person, Station Square

An employee at a local business reported that a woman who had been harassing customers earlier and milling around the area was back doing the same and soliciting for money. RPD responded and located a 32 year old female with a last known address from Paterson. RPD did not observe any violations at the time and the woman was advised about loitering and soliciting money. She stated she was waiting for a ride and would be gone in 30 minutes.

Monday, July 15 - Noise Complaint, Park Ave

A 34 year old resident reported Playa Bowls was playing loud music after hours at 10:51 pm. RPD spoke to a representative of the business who stated the complainant had already called him to ask them to shut off the music to which he obliged. RPD heard no music upon arrival.

Monday, July 15 - Suspicious Person, Feronia Way

At approximately 2:18 pm, a 33 year old male reported two men he didn’t recognize in the driveway of his neighbor’s house. They appeared to be changing the license plates on a 2010 BMW that belongs to his neighbor. He stated his neighbor was on vacation so he thought it suspicious. The unidentified males were gone upon arrival but the BMW in the driveway now had New York license plates on it. Officers contacted the owner and confirmed he had sold the car to people from New York, but stated he was grateful to his neighbor for keeping an eye on his property.

Monday, July 15 - Property Damage, Rt 3 East

At approximately 11:40 am, a 47 year old male from Lyndhurst stated a dump truck belonging to a company out of Parsippany kicked up a rock that struck his vehicle while on Rt 3 East just prior to Rt 21. He observed a few rocks kick up out of the bed of the truck, which was tarped, causing him to switch lanes to avoid damage, but a rock struck his windshield causing 2 small cracks. RPD reached out to the company and left a voicemail but prior to a return call, the complainant reported he had already spoken to an unknown male at the company. The Lyndhurst man advised him what had occurred. The man from the Parsippany company asked if he had spoken to the police already. When the Lyndhurst man said he had, the man responded “well let them handle it” and hung up. The complainant is hopeful that he and the company will come to an amicable agreement without going through insurance.

Monday, July 15 - Arrest, Park Ave

While conducting routine radar checks, Officer John Ahearn observed a 2007 Honda CRV driving carelessly at a high rate of speed near Park Ave and Marginal Rd. He determined the driver, a 37 year old male from Jersey City, had an active warrant from Hudson County Sheriff’s Dept. The man was placed under arrest and transported to RPD headquarters. He was issued 2 summonses: 1 for operating with a suspended license and driving carelessly. After processing he was unable to post bail and was transported to Hudson County Sheriff’s Department.

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