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Meadowlands Chamber Continues to Support Local Businesses

By Jennifer Ersalesi

Mr. Jim Kirkos, President and CEO of the Meadowlands Chamber, recently informed his members and local business owners about additional valuable resources during this challenging time. This is Rutherford has been sharing these resources with our readers in hopes that Kirkos and Board of Advisors at Meadowlands Chamber can reach even more local business owners.

Many Meadowlands Chamber members are utilizing the Curated Business Resources page that the Meadowlands Chamber has established. Click on this link to access that page.

Kirkos has recently been a weekly Executive Virtual Roundtable. Starting this Wednesday, 4/15, the roundtable sessions will become more of a learning opportunity for companies and business owners. Kirkos explained, “This week (4/15) after my brief update, I will introduce Counsel Keith Krauss and Associate Young-Ji Park of Genova Burns LLC to discuss the current availability of funding programs from the NJEDA and two of the loan programs administered by the SBA pursuant to the CARES Act. After this segment, Partner Margaret O’Rourke Wood of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC will cover the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act and highlight what businesses need to know about paid family leave and state and federal laws.” Beginning on Wednesday, 4/22 the sessions will be held during lunch (virtual attendees will supply their own lunches).

To register for the Executive Roundtable, click here. Any business associates can register for these roundtables and utilize the tools and information the Meadowlands Chamber has been providing. The Meadowlands Chamber Board of Advisors and Committees are dedicated to assisting businesses to rebuild the regional economy.

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