Submitted by Kathleen Mathieu

October 31, 2022, from 1-8 PM will be the date and time of Rutherford’s annual fall blood drive. Pre-registration, which is strongly recommended, is now open at or 877-25-Vital.
Rutherford Community Blood Bank is hosting the Halloween event, which this year takes the place of the group’s traditional November donor day. “Quite simply put, we want your blood,” said Carol Hsu, the blood bank’s interim chairperson. “There is always a shortage of blood in New Jersey.”
The drive will be held at 55 Kip Center, 55 Kip Avenue, Rutherford. Donors must weigh at least 110 lbs and bring ID. Eligibility requirements, guidelines for donating, and the parental permission form for minors are available at
Vitalant provides the professional staff that facilitates the donation process. Rutherford Community Blood Bank is an all-volunteer organization established in 1957.
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