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  • Writer's pictureThis Is Rutherford

Blizzard Bags by the Woman's Club

By Jennifer Ersalesi

Photo credits: Woman's Club of Rutherford

During the fall, Woman's Club of Rutherford members donated items and used designated funds from fundraising to purchase items for Blizzard bags (soup, mac ‘n cheese, tuna fish, oatmeal, apple sauce, fruit cups, granola bars, treats, etc.).

In mid-December, Woman's Club members gathered to assemble the Blizzard bags.

President of the Woman's Club told TIR, "This year we filled 100 bags. Our members look forward to working on this project each year."

The Blizzard bags were picked up by Meals on Wheels of Bergen County and will be distributed to home bound seniors as a backup to the Meals on Wheels program, to be eaten on a day when the program is unable to deliver the usual meals due to winter weather.

To learn more about the Woman's Club of Rutherford, follow their Facebook page: Woman's Club of Rutherford and visit their website.

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