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Rookies & Veterans

The more things change, the more they stay the same... 

This Is Rutherford thought it would be fun to compare the thoughts of a
long-time resident with a relatively new transplant

Email if you or someone you know would like to participate. 


Rookie Dan Gino 

Resident for 3 years

Favorite Places: Rutherford Wine Shoppe,

Dunkin and Bagel Supreme

1). How many years have you lived in Rutherford?


Three and a half years. We purchased our house in August of 2016 and didn't move in until November. We had to do some renovations and my wife was super pregnant. We actually moved into the house with a three week old. 


2). Why did you decide to move to Rutherford?


It was actually between Rutherford, Nutley, and Cedar Grove. We decided on Rutherford because we grew up a few towns over and wanted to be close to family.    


3). What are three of your favorite places in Rutherford?


Rutherford Wine Shoppe (don't be judgy), Dunkin, and Bagel Supreme


4). Why do think people choose to raise families in Rutherford?


It’s a great little town with a relatively easy commute to NYC. Rutherford always has something going on throughout the year.  


5). What is the most beautiful feature of our town?


Park Ave has everything and the entire town is in walking distance which is nice in the summer.


6). What do you find most inviting about Rutherford?


All of the community events and activities were good to get to meet people when we moved in. 


7). What would you tell someone who is considering moving here?


That it’s a great town that’s growing rapidly. 


8).  What is your favorite season in Rutherford?  Why?


Spring or summer because it’s great weather to walk around.


9)  What’s your favorite memory of living here?


Moving into our new house with our newborn daughter. 


10)  What would be your ideal three-course meal if you could mix and match from every restaurant in town?


Appetizer: Gnocchi mac and cheese from Matera’s


Dinner: the “Thursday Special” from Jim Dandy’s (if you don’t know, find out). 


Dessert: Ice Cream Charlie’s rice crispy ice cream


Veteran Sarah Kupryk

Resident for 26 Years

Favorite Places:  Washington School, Park Ave

and Steve and Andreas

1. How many years have you lived in Rutherford?


I’ve lived in Rutherford for 26 years with my family. We moved here when I was about 4 in September of 1993.


2). Why did you decide to move to Rutherford?

My parents moved here after living in an apartment in Lyndhurst. They wanted to own their own home and found Rutherford to be the perfect place to raise a family.


3). What are three of your favorite places in Rutherford?


I love working at Washington School, I enjoy driving down Park Avenue, and eating at Steve and Andreas is my favorite.


4). Why do think people choose to raise families in Rutherford?

It’s a quaint town with excellent schools and friendly people. When you try to picture the “ideal” town to grow up in, Rutherford is it. I had a friend from out-of-town describe Rutherford as one of those places you’d see in the movies.


5). What is the most beautiful feature of our town?


The trees are so beautiful, especially when they change throughout each season.


6). What do you find most inviting about Rutherford?


What’s not to love? I think there’s something so inviting about the train station. It reminds me of how much history our town has. I also love the homes and the tree lined streets. Park Avenue is the hub that draws people in and showcases all that Rutherford has to offer.


7). What would you tell someone who is considering moving here?


Rutherford is home. It felt that way growing up, and it still feels that way now. 


8). What is your favorite season in Rutherford? Why?


Spring. I love to see that way that Rutherford comes back to life once the trees and flowers are in bloom.


9)  What’s your favorite memory of living here?


There are so many, but I really enjoyed being a kid and growing up here with my friends. I remember playing outside until it was dark and riding our bikes around the block. Many of the people I grew up with, I’m still friendly with today. I think that’s the charm of living in Rutherford.


10)  What would be your ideal three-course meal if you could mix and match from every restaurant in town? 


To start, I’d have the pancakes from Steve and Andreas. The BEST pancakes I’ve ever had. I’d then have a sandwich piled high with cold cuts from Forest Dairy. To finish it off, I’d have the Cajun pasta from Sonoma Bistro. As a lover of all dessert, I would have to have a bonus course with some ice cream from Dairy Queen. 

Previous Rookies & Veterans interviews:

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