By Tracy Leigh
TIR has your list of events happening in and around town.
Advanced ESL Class
Saturday, January 18, 2020, 11:00 am-1:00 pm at the Rutherford Public Library - Glass Room
The Rutherford Public Library Advanced ESL classes will return Saturdays from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. This class will be held weekly. This class is for students who speak, understand, read, and write English at a high intermediate level but are looking to do one or more of the following: get a better job; improve pronunciation and master sounds not in their native language; express complex ideas; prepare for the TOEFL exam; help their children with their writing homework, perfect their grammar syntax; learn to use business language; and learn more about American culture. Registration is required for this free class. Registration forms are available at the Main Desk of the library. To check availability, call 201-939-8600.
Visit the Meadowlands Museum
Saturday, January 18 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Meadowlands Museum is open every Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. Come see where your history lives. Donation $5 adults, $3 children. 91 Crane Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 201-935-1175.
The Museum is home to the largest collection of historical artifacts of the Meadowlands Region of NJ, and includes a special exhibit on Notable Women of the Meadowlands (on exhibit until September 2019), and permanent exhibits on the geology of the Meadowlands Region, antique toys and dolls, a pre-electric kitchen, antique tools, and an exhibit dedicated to the life and work of Dr. William Carlos Williams – the area’s famous doctor/poet. The Museum is housed in one of oldest Dutch farmhouses of southern Bergen County, and was a private home until the Museum purchased the property in 1974.
Current Rotating Exhibit: Treasures of the Earth: Rocks and Minerals from the Meadowlands Area
Rutherford Elks #547 Chili Cook-Off
Sunday, January 19th at 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm at Rutherford Elks Lodge 547, 48 Ames Ave, Rutherford
Rutherford Elks #547 annual $10.00 Chili Dinner Fundraiser. See flyer for details.
A Service Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
Monday, January 20th at 2:00 pm at Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, 27 Elm Street, Rutherford