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Event Recap: Rutherford Recreation's Touch a Truck

By Jennifer Ersalesi

Interact Club Volunteers Kenisha Vagahsiya, Hannah Cruz, Jessica Lezcano, and Erin Petrosino

On Sunday, September 22nd, the Rutherford Recreation Department hosted another Touch a Truck event in the parking lot at Memorial Field. Rutherford Recreation staff members, Jessica Lezcano (Director), Maureen Bigley and Erin Petrosino greeted the children with special construction and fire hats. This special event was sponsored by Nick’s Towing of Rutherford.

There were a number of different vehicles for the children to touch, climb, explore, and enjoy. There were PSE&G trucks, fire trucks, police cars, police motorcycles, an army tank, tow trucks, a cement mixer, emergency response vehicles, a garbage truck, etc. Members of the Rutherford DPW, Rutherford Police Department, Fire Department, Army Reserves and other community members were on hand to assist the children and to teach them more about each vehicle. Student volunteers from the Interact Club at Rutherford High School were also there to help with the event.

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