independent Mayoral CandidatE
eddy rolon
I now only teach for a few hours each week for my combat sports training business (est 2001),
while also living with CIDP since 2012 that made me disabled and put me on infusion treatments.
What do you think is the best way for newer residents to learn about the community?
I’m guessing you mean besides the “This is Rutherford” publications and website ... I guess they should start with Wikipedia, then go to the borough site And follow links to the committees and departments and resident info there also a link to the Schools which will bring you to
I’m actually rethinking this answer. Since the question was what is the best way. That would be walking through and driving through our community. Shop and eat on Park Avenue and on the west end of Union Avenue. Visit our functional yet beautiful library. Our librarians are great resources for just this type of question. Visit our parks and sports fields and bring your kids to one of our playgrounds. I have found parents watching their kids play or practice are great options for getting opinions on what is fun to do around here as well as what events are coming up. Volunteer for something that you like or want to learn more about. My gateway to Rutherford was from visiting in 1979 and 1980 during those Halloweens. I had grown up in Jersey City and when my mother brought me here to trick-or-treat those two years it made a long lasting impression. Having lived in Rutherford since 1995, getting here at just 22 years old by way of nostalgia from the memories of the seven and eight year old that I was was worth it. My wife and have been married for over 21 years and have some our favorite memories involve Halloweens here, with our three children seeing our collective friends and neighbors enjoying the day feeling safe and having fun. So I highly suggest new residents come out and enjoy Halloween on Park Ave and or at the activities we have at parks and other locations.
2. Do you think there is any way to reconfigure parking better in the downtown to make parking more convenient for shoppers?
YES! Orient way should become diagonal nose-in parking on just the south bound side from Ettrick Terrace to the traffic circle at Station Square. This will nearly double our downtown available parking on Southbound Orient Way from 21 spots to 40 by my calculations without blocking any driveways, crosswalks or hydrants. 19 or so extra metered spots would certainly help. This will only remove about 800 feet of bike lane that can be replaced on streets like West Passaic between Chestnut Ave and Montross Ave (4200 feet) and another along Montross Ave between West Passaic and Union Ave (3800 feet). These will better serve our high school students who bike to school and the college students that want to eat or shop on Park Ave or West Union. I figured this all out with the Google Earth app. You got to love that science, technology and math stuff, I hope it gains even more popularity. I used measurement comparisons of diagonal to parallel parking with Hoboken who have had to solve their much more constrictive parking issues. I have another idea that I allude to for this area in question 5.
3.What do you consider to be the most effective mode of communication to share news with the residents? How would you communicate news and events to the community if elected?
I applaud The changes and upgrades that Rutherford has made using social media and other communication technologies. Now as far as being the most effective, I personally usually learn the most about Rutherford news and events initially through Facebook. Many of our older teens and young adults do not use it but instead use Instagram and Twitter much more frequently. It isn’t difficult to mirror information on the other social media that may come along and become popular. The Kip Center and library can help disseminate information to older residents that choose or cannot easily use social media. I do propose an biannual bulk mailing to every residence in Rutherford asking them how they would like their household to be personally made aware of news and events in our community that could concern them. Responses can be made through social media, as well as dropped off or mailed back to borough hall.
4.Do you think elected officials and appointed committee members should be required to follow a code of conduct when online and on social media?
Especially when online in an official capacity a code of conduct should be followed. As a member of the Rutherford Board of Education I agreed to a code of conduct that I feel strikes the right balance between being civil and respecting the rights of an individual’s privacy. I have always tried to adhere to the idea that even online, I should communicate with respect and understanding just as if I were face-to-face with the person or people that I am interacting with.
5. How would you mitigate traffic and pedestrian concerns around town, especially in and around school zones?
Having had three children successfully dropped off on time at three different schools in town is a source of pride and stress for both my wife and I and I’m sure quite a few other parents. Getting the word out on carpool coordinating with other parents might be a good start for parents of kids of any age. Starting in 7th grade at Union school and for the most mature and responsible kids in 5th and 6th at Pierrepont School. I think it is as simple as having kids experiment with getting there on their own a few different ways. Bikes, the free town shuttles, walking in groups. For parents of 5th grade and older that still enjoy or need to drop off to do so by legally stopping a block or two further from the school in all but the nastiest weather. The kids will get in earlier than if you are stuck in a long line anyway. Don’t block the crosswalks or the driveways either, anywhere in town, it’s just so obnoxious. I have another idea for the end of Orient way by the circle that I’m working on. I’m sure I’ll have it ready for the Candidates Debate Event that the Rutherford Civil Rights Commission has agreed to host, sponsor and organize before the November 5th election. If it hasn’t been finalized by the time of this printing, I hope that anyone that has a question for those of us running can get their question asked themselves in person or by the moderator(s). If not please contact me through Facebook at which is my campaign page. Thanks for reading my responses and considering me for your Mayor of Rutherford this year.